Movie Details :
Studio: Magnolia Pictures
Director: Petter Næss
Screenwriter: Ole Meldgaard, Petter Næss, Dave Mango
Starring: Rupert Grint, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, Lachlan Nieboer
Genre: Drama

Watch Into the White Full Movie 2013 In HD Best Quality
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This Movie Into the White (2013) starring by :
Florian Lukas as , Rupert Grint as , David Kross as
This movie Released on 2013-04-12
And the MPAA Rating is R
Runtime 100 minutes.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Streaming Into the White Full Movie Watch Online Free

Yeah.. today you can get the link of Streaming Into the White Full Movie Watch Online Free only  at this webite Into The White Full Movie ..
Although it does not really qualify as war film, 'Into the White' ranges among the best WW2 films I have seen. The makers as well as the actors deserve praise for getting the most out of a fascinating story: The film is beautifully shot, the soundtrack fits perfectly and the characters are convincing. Indeed, great care must have been taken when choosing the actors, for they not only have the correct origin (except for Strunk, though this will probably go undetected by non-native speakers) but also look like people did back then. Into the White Streaming Free

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Today we give you the Into the White Full Movie Posters to complete our Into The White Full Movie review .. yeah, The Germans are port...

Yeah.. now you can read the Into the White Full Movie Review here.. I just saw the movie. I give it a 9, it would have been a 10 if they h...

Into the White Full Movie
Into the White Full Movie find it here only at this website Into The White Full Movie .. so what about this movie? ok, we give you more ...

All in all it might not be an overly thought-provoking film, but nonetheless it is very watchable - highly recommendable. 

Watch Into the White Full Movie 2013 In HD Best Quality
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Quote from movie :

Gunner Robert Smith: Food rule number one: If it's full of vitamins, it tastes like shit.

Gunner Robert Smith: Hey Skunky! How come you're not cold? Maybe you're too fucking stupid to feel cold.

Gunner Robert Smith: [on Hitler] What fuck does he want with China?

Gunner Robert Smith: [jokingly on how he impressed his girl] Right, I showed her my cock and she fainted.

Gunner Robert Smith: I said the soup was okay, you stupid sod!

Feldwebel Wolfgang Strunk: [the first time he speaks in English] Nice shooting.

Gunner Robert Smith: Did you just... speak?

Gunner Robert Smith: [after using a page of Mein Kampf as toilet paper] Hey Josef! I have to say, chapter two was a little rough on my ass.

Unteroffizier Josef Schwartz: I'm gonna kill you!

Gunner Robert Smith: Put the gun down.

Leutnant Horst Schopis: You put the gun down.

Gunner Robert Smith: How did you get it?

Captain Charles P. Davenport: It's a little complicated.

Leutnant Horst Schopis: I'm willing to low my gun. If you do the same.

Gunner Robert Smith: And end up in a German prison camp? No fuckin' thank you!

Unteroffizier Josef Schwartz: Are we going home now?

Leutnant Horst Schopis: Yes, we're going home now.

Gunner Robert Smith: What's your name, again? Me, Smith. You?

[Strunk doesn't answer]

Gunner Robert Smith: [shouting] What's your name?

Feldwebel Wolfgang Strunk: Strunk!

Gunner Robert Smith: You win the pissing conest, Strunk. Congratulations!

Gunner Robert Smith: I'm a man of principles. Wanna hear one?

Feldwebel Wolfgang Strunk: No.

Gunner Robert Smith: Do whatever makes you happy.

Feldwebel Wolfgang Strunk: What about responsibility?

Gunner Robert Smith: And what about the responsability of being happy?

Captain Charles P. Davenport: Listen to me, you twisted cheese-eating gnome. While you've been sitting on your arse down here waiting for the sun to shine, we've been struggling to survive, in a remote cabin, with some Germans - and we did survive, most of us. And now, I have my lighter back, and that is the end of the matter. 

In World War II, the German pilots Lieutenant Horst Schopis (Florian Lukas), Josef Schwartz (David Kross) and Wolfgang Strunk (Stig Henrik Hoff) crash their airplane in the wilderness of Norway after shooting down a British airplane.

Watch Into the White Full Movie 2013 In HD Best Quality
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They walk through a snow storm until they reach shelter in an abandoned hunter cabin. Soon the British pilot Captain Charles P. Davenport (Lachlan Nieboer) and the gunner Robert Smith (Rupert Grint) arrive in the cabin and they become prisoners of the German pilots. However, after the initial friction between the enemies, they realize that they should team-up to survive in the wilderness in the beginning of an improbable friendship.

"Into the White" is based on the true story of German and British pilots that crash in the mountains of Norway in the winter and in order to survive, they conclude that they need to work together. In the end, we are all equals and the enemies become friends. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Entre Inimigos" ("Among Enemies")

Into the White Full Movie Review

Yeah.. now you can read the Into the White Full Movie Review here.. I just saw the movie. I give it a 9, it would have been a 10 if they had a scene of the planes fighting in the sky before the start. Sort of was missing that war scene so we could more get into the situation of hate of another.
But the actors does a great job, everyone is great. The beautiful and harsh landscape of the Norwegian mountains and wilderness is really beautiful and spectacular, and shows what sort of situation they are in. You get involved as an audience, you feel their emotions and feel their pain, and feels sorry for even the Germans. It is a story of enemies that hate each other, and end up as friends. A story based on true happenings and that is just what is so wonderful about it, seeing that even if they are true enemies, working together to stay alive is a much stronger force than hate and war. Into the White Streaming Free

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Today we give you the Into the White Full Movie Posters to complete our Into The White Full Movie review .. yeah, The Germans are port...

Into the White Full Movie
Into the White Full Movie find it here only at this website Into The White Full Movie .. so what about this movie? ok, we give you more ...

The film is worth every penny to watch. Into The White Full Movie

Norwegian director Petter Næss has gathered a fine acting crew in this true story about three German and two British war pilots meeting up in a remote hunting cabin during a harsh Norwegian winter storm up in the high mountains, after shooting each other's planes down during the Second World War.

Being forced to work together, with all doubts and mistrust, they after some days started off what was an unlikely friendship while the war was on it's culmination.

The film succeeds in telling a story of fright evolving into friendship, in a chamber like story. All the five main actors are doing a great job with this interesting story.
Into the White Full Movie Trailer:


It's still in the last part of the movie we start really feeling there's a war going on. If the film is to be criticized, it's for not really making us get into the war feeling at the start of the film.

The landscape is beautiful, and the war is 70 years ago. Will everyone understand the situation. In the end, this is really clear, and the film functions here. I'd really like to get more of the war feeling in the start of the film. A shot down airplane and some soldiers doesn't do that in a winterly landscape. The film gets better the further it gets into the material.

That said, the film is really worth watching. Great acting. The German actors are actually the best. Stig Henrik Hoff is also convincing, and David Cross is doing a good role. Rupert Grint has some troubles getting into it in his first feature after seven Harry potters, or maybe it's me seeing that beyond the witchcraft?

In my opinion Petter Næss has nailed another great film. All of his filmography is worth seeing. Wanting to film this story for a long time, he's given us another epic story from the epic Second World War, giving us the hope that this will learn us to never get into another one.   

I really liked this movie. It doesn't attempt to be a Hollywood blockbuster or anything like that. Just a good, smart, watchable film.

If you're reading these reviews, then you probably already know the basic story: several British airmen during WWII find themselves in a remote Nordic cabin with several German airmen. They must cooperate or perish.

There's a great scene where the group is drinking merrily, and find themselves outside, watching a spectacular display of the Northern Lights. Even in the midst of despair, the men are able to enjoy a total moment of solace. 

Into the White Full Movie Posters

Today we give you the Into the White Full Movie Posters to complete our Into The White Full Movie review .. yeah, The Germans are portrayed as stoic, disciplined and respectful which is refreshing whilst the Brits on the other hand are merely cartoons. "Davenport" acts like he's channeling Hugh Grant throughout whilst Rupert Grint is saddled with playing the arrogant, working-class oik. I just cannot believe either of them would behave so arrogantly when confronted by a potentially deadly situation. Into the White Streaming Free

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Into the White Full Movie find it here only at this website Into The White Full Movie .. so what about this movie? ok, we give you more ...
Nevertheless, the gradual evolution of their acceptance, understanding of one another and friendship is what makes the film a pleasure to watch.

No idea why the Norwegians felt it necessary to shoot a defenseless German on skis. Did it happen? Or yet more dramatic license? 

Ok.. this is the Into the White Full Movie Posters

Full Cast (in credits order)

    Florian Lukas    ...     Leutnant Horst Schopis

    David Kross    ...     Unteroffizier Josef Schwartz

    Stig Henrik Hoff    ...     Feldwebel Wolfgang Strunk

    Lachlan Nieboer    ...     Captain Charles P. Davenport

    Rupert Grint    ...     Gunner Robert Smith
    Kim Haugen    ...     Bjørn Gustavsen - Norwegian Ski Patrol
    Knut Joner    ...     Harald Gustavsen - Norwegian Ski Patrol
    Morten Faldaas    ...     Terje - Norwegian Ski Patrol

    Sondre Krogtoft Larsen    ...     Kjell - Norwegian Ski Patrol

The budget didn't run to a CGI plane crash so I don't see why they keep putting airplanes on the posters except to mislead people into thinking it's a bog-standard war film. Pretty disingenuous also to change the title to Cross of Honour for the UK DVD release. What has that title got to do with anything? There's no cross in it! It's a film about extraordinary circumstances and extraordinary friendship and it deserves to be marketed as such.

Into the White Full Movie

Into the White Full Movie find it here only at this website Into The White Full Movie .. so what about this movie? ok, we give you more about this movie review, trailers, posters, watch online link and streaming this movie for free.. lets see that..

Movie Details :
Studio: Magnolia Pictures
Director: Petter Næss
Screenwriter: Ole Meldgaard, Petter Næss, Dave Mango
Starring: Rupert Grint, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, Lachlan Nieboer
Genre: Drama

Watch Into the White Full Movie 2013 In HD Best Quality
(Click Image Bellow)

This Movie Into the White (2013) starring by :
Florian Lukas as , Rupert Grint as , David Kross as
This movie Released on 2013-04-12
And the MPAA Rating is R
Runtime 100 minutes.
Did You Know?
Based on true events. The names of the German airmen were not changed for this film, but the names of the British airmen were changed. The real names of the British airmen were captain R. T. Partridge (Davenport) and R.S. Bostok (Smith).

Davenport mentions that according to the Geneva Convention that as prisoners of war, they were allowed certain amenities. The 4th Geneva Convention was proclaimed in 1949, well after the end of the War, and no state formally ratified their acceptance of any of the first four GCs before this year.

Quotes :
Gunner Robert Smith: What's your name, again? Me, Smith. You?
[Strunk doesn't answer]
Gunner Robert Smith: [shouting] What's your name?
Feldwebel Wolfgang Strunk: Strunk!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Hd Best quality Renoir Full Movie Watch Streaming

Hd Best quality Renoir Full Movie Watch Streaming

Renoir - 2012 Renoir (2012) Rating: 6.4/10 Drama, Michel Bouquet, Christa Theret, Vincent Rottiers, Hd Best quality Renoir Full Movie info : Gille +Bourdos uses the well-known stories of the painter father Pierre-Auguste and the filmmaker son Jean Renoir for a film that is at once breathtaking spectacle and a profound anatomy of the impulses and values of art. The film was one of my highlights at this year's +Palm Springs International Film Festival.
Renoir 2013 Full movie Free Download and Streaming
The plot presents the 74-year-old veteran painter (Michel Bouquet) and his ravishing new 15-year-old model, Andree Heuschling (Christa Theret) enjoying their opulent country estate while WW I pounds the humanity outside. Mark Lee Ping-Bin shoots the interiors with classic Dutch light and shadow but the exteriors in the unbridled luminosity of Impressionism. Here Renoir explains that structure comes from colour, not form, and he refuses to use black. That summarizes the painter's Impressionism: it finds reality in what he makes of the outside world, not what it firmly may be. His swirls of rosy chub continues his celebration of the young "velvet" flesh, despite the war's flensing and destruction of the flesh beyond the estate and his age's grotesque gnarl and ruin of his bones. His painting days, like his valiant denial of death, are limited. Son Jean (Vincent Rottiers) returns from the front with a symbol of the reality his father rejects: an open wound. The family has a variety of open wounds, from the loss of the boys' mother and the favoured model/nanny Gabrielle to the sons' resentment of their father's aloofness. The cut to the bone represents the reality Renoir's fleshy ladies and painted pommes reject. Vincent's convalescence goes beyond the flesh gap to include winning Andree, who -- a closing title tells us -- married him, starred in many films (as Catherine Hessling), and after their split died alone in poverty. The sins of the father don't just visit the son but move in with him. The tension between the painter's idealized flesh and the its horrific reality are frequently imaged, especially in the eating scenes and in the kitchen where a maid delicately peels a tomato, removing a hide to expose a succulent flesh. The hanging carrion are an implicit reminder of the hunting and killing of the human prey outside. Renoir pere screams from the nightmares he doesn't have his sunshine, models and pink paints to ward off.

Hd Best quality The Place Beyond the Pines Full Movie Watch Streaming

Hd Best quality The Place Beyond the Pines Full Movie Watch Streaming

The Place Beyond the Pines - 2012 The Place Beyond the Pines (2012) Rating: 7.9/10 Crime, Drama, Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes,
Hd Best quality The Place Beyond the Pines Full Movie Info : Derek Cianfrance's The Place Beyond The Pines is a visual odyssey, if nothing else. It is also an intense character study of three people. And it's a good film. The story is of Luke, a motorcycle stuntman, who quits his job after he finds out that Romina, played by Eva Mendes, his ex-girlfriend was pregnant and had his child. The trouble is, she married another man. Luke is torn between his new found love for his son, and his inability to hold a steady job. So, to take care of his 'family' Luke begins to rob banks, along with his friend, excellently portrayed by Ben Mendelsohn. Of course, this puts him on a collision course with Bradley Cooper's idealistic cop.
The Place Beyond the Pines 2013 Full movie Free Download and Streaming
Not wishing to ruin the plot, I won't say anymore. When I first heard the plot, I was immediately struck by the similarities to another excellent Ryan Gosling movie, Drive. In that film, Gosling plays a stunt driver, who takes on a job to help his neighbor. However similar the plot may be, the two films are complete opposites. The Place Beyond The Pines is a character driven study of morality and legacy, while Drive is closer to the genre of an action film. However, the two films do have one more thing in common, they both showcase excellent Ryan Gosling performances. In this film, Gosling's would be father, doing what he thinks is best, is at times aggravating and intensely emotional. It's a great performance, and a tricky one to master. But Gosling gets it, and turns in one of his best performances. That's not to say the other performances aren't spectacular as well. Eva Mendes turns in some of her best work in years, playing a woman torn between her desire to be with Gosling, and to have a normal family life with her husband. Bradley Cooper turns in his best work yet, playing a cop torn between his want for justice and his powerful ambition. As mentioned above, Ben Mendelsohn turns in some great work as does Ray Liotta. Mention must go to newcomer Dane Dehaan, performing in some of the film's most gut-wrenching moments. Then of course there is the director. Derek Cianfrance's style is completely unique, and incredibly effective. He is one director to keep an eye on. The cinematography is excellent, especially during the opening shot, when the camera follows Gosling from his trailer, across a fairground, onto a motorcycle and into a giant ball where Gosling rides around. That's not to say the film doesn't have it's bad points. The version I saw sagged in the end, even though it was necessary to the ending, I still feel they could have trimmed it down. I felt myself and a couple other audience members getting a little restless near the end. Despite the overlong ending, the film itself was still a great experience. A quiet moving character drama, expansive in it's scope yet intensely personal at its core. At a Q and A at the end of the film, Cianfrance admitted that what he really felt the film was about, was legacy, and passing the torch from generation to generation. And I think he is right.

Hd Best quality Mental Full Movie Watch Streaming

Hd Best quality Mental Full Movie Watch Streaming

Mental - 2012 Mental (2012) None Rating: 5.8/10 Comedy, Drama, Toni Collette, Anthony LaPaglia, Liev Schreiber, Hd Best quality Mental Full Movie info : I love psychodramas, so the chance to see Toni Collette in a film touching on mental illness was too good to miss. I was stunned to hear that the underlying story of this movie is true! Some reviewers have labeled the plot as complicated and bumpy - and it is - sort of like real life. However the plot is less important than the characters and the underlying themes. The cast is superb, particularly Collette, Gibney and newcomer Lily Sullivan as the eldest daughter. The characters are rich and complex, except for the father (played well by LaPaglia) who is a bit too one dimensional. I preferred the way The United States of Tara handled the issue of being partner to someone with severe mental illness. .
Mental 2013 Full movie Free Download and Streaming
However it is the underlying issue of the way mental illness, normality and conformity are experienced and perceived in our society that shines. JP Hogan does not preach or present a one-sided view - rather we see normality as complex and nuanced. Collette plays the deeply flawed yet strangely inspirational Shaz who serves to provoke, challenge and sometimes overturn the other characters' views of normal. Modern psychiatry is neither approved nor mocked. The "normal" characters are revealed as sometimes shallow and fragile - not as normal as they seem. The comedy ranges from subtle, to ocker, to cartoonish and melodramatic. Not everyone will like it. Some scenes are just plain absurdist. I suspect that like Muriel, this is a multi-layered film that will actually stand up to repeated viewing. As for the tag line - well it's going to be hard not to laugh whenever my friends talk of "going to Wollongong" - and I can say that because it's where I live.