Movie Details :
Studio: Magnolia Pictures
Director: Petter Næss
Screenwriter: Ole Meldgaard, Petter Næss, Dave Mango
Starring: Rupert Grint, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, Lachlan Nieboer
Genre: Drama

Watch Into the White Full Movie 2013 In HD Best Quality
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This Movie Into the White (2013) starring by :
Florian Lukas as , Rupert Grint as , David Kross as
This movie Released on 2013-04-12
And the MPAA Rating is R
Runtime 100 minutes.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Into the White Full Movie Review

Yeah.. now you can read the Into the White Full Movie Review here.. I just saw the movie. I give it a 9, it would have been a 10 if they had a scene of the planes fighting in the sky before the start. Sort of was missing that war scene so we could more get into the situation of hate of another.
But the actors does a great job, everyone is great. The beautiful and harsh landscape of the Norwegian mountains and wilderness is really beautiful and spectacular, and shows what sort of situation they are in. You get involved as an audience, you feel their emotions and feel their pain, and feels sorry for even the Germans. It is a story of enemies that hate each other, and end up as friends. A story based on true happenings and that is just what is so wonderful about it, seeing that even if they are true enemies, working together to stay alive is a much stronger force than hate and war. Into the White Streaming Free

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Today we give you the Into the White Full Movie Posters to complete our Into The White Full Movie review .. yeah, The Germans are port...

Into the White Full Movie
Into the White Full Movie find it here only at this website Into The White Full Movie .. so what about this movie? ok, we give you more ...

The film is worth every penny to watch. Into The White Full Movie

Norwegian director Petter Næss has gathered a fine acting crew in this true story about three German and two British war pilots meeting up in a remote hunting cabin during a harsh Norwegian winter storm up in the high mountains, after shooting each other's planes down during the Second World War.

Being forced to work together, with all doubts and mistrust, they after some days started off what was an unlikely friendship while the war was on it's culmination.

The film succeeds in telling a story of fright evolving into friendship, in a chamber like story. All the five main actors are doing a great job with this interesting story.
Into the White Full Movie Trailer:


It's still in the last part of the movie we start really feeling there's a war going on. If the film is to be criticized, it's for not really making us get into the war feeling at the start of the film.

The landscape is beautiful, and the war is 70 years ago. Will everyone understand the situation. In the end, this is really clear, and the film functions here. I'd really like to get more of the war feeling in the start of the film. A shot down airplane and some soldiers doesn't do that in a winterly landscape. The film gets better the further it gets into the material.

That said, the film is really worth watching. Great acting. The German actors are actually the best. Stig Henrik Hoff is also convincing, and David Cross is doing a good role. Rupert Grint has some troubles getting into it in his first feature after seven Harry potters, or maybe it's me seeing that beyond the witchcraft?

In my opinion Petter Næss has nailed another great film. All of his filmography is worth seeing. Wanting to film this story for a long time, he's given us another epic story from the epic Second World War, giving us the hope that this will learn us to never get into another one.   

I really liked this movie. It doesn't attempt to be a Hollywood blockbuster or anything like that. Just a good, smart, watchable film.

If you're reading these reviews, then you probably already know the basic story: several British airmen during WWII find themselves in a remote Nordic cabin with several German airmen. They must cooperate or perish.

There's a great scene where the group is drinking merrily, and find themselves outside, watching a spectacular display of the Northern Lights. Even in the midst of despair, the men are able to enjoy a total moment of solace. 

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